Introducing “Fire Your Boss” Podcast

Frank and I had the privilege of being invited to start a new podcast journey with our good friend George Bruno. Many of you may recognize George from his popular YouTube series, “Listen My Son.” Our paths crossed at Ken McArthur’s Impact mastermind.

inds, where we connected and discovered a shared passion for entrepreneurship.

About George Bruno

George, Experienced Traction Coach. Masters degree. Certified Coach.
High-rated leader in industry. 40 yrs experience. Accelerated divorce/breakup recovery. He is a dynamic individual who brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to the table. With his background and insights, we knew that collaborating with him on a podcast would lead to meaningful discussions and valuable insights for our audience.

The Podcast

Titled “Fire Your Boss,” the podcast focuses on addressing pain points, generating ideas, and overcoming challenges in entrepreneurship. Aligned with Conversion Chemistry’s values, each episode aims to empower listeners on their entrepreneurial journey.

Through insightful discussions, the podcast encourages listeners to reflect and grow personally and professionally. It serves as a catalyst for innovative thinking and collaborative efforts.

“Firing Your Boss” fosters a community of empowered entrepreneurs who support and uplift one another. Together, they strive for personal growth, innovation, and collective success.

Embark on this exciting podcasting journey with George Bruno and us. Let’s ignite your entrepreneurial spirit, transform challenges into opportunities, and build a community of empowered individuals.

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